The Illusion of Springが公開されました
Iwata Wataru, Hiroshi NakamuraのサウンドにTPartyで映像を担当した作品「The Illusion of Spring」が公開されました。
At the time of making "The Illusion of Spring", spring was coming to our country, Japan. In spring, the snow melts and life begins to sprout. The city is filled with people and activity. But due to the effects of Covid-19, we are forced to stay at home. Instead of feeling the annual Spring moment, we recall the scenes of spring that has lost, through the performance. In this 5 min. work, audiovisual scenes change according to 3 themes as below;
1. Immersion into the illusion of spring
2. Oblivion of a spring scene
3. Return to reality
Wataru Iwata (Piano and electroacoustic)
Hiroshi Nakamura (Sax and electroactoustic)
Yusuke Koroyasu (VJ / TParty)
Taichi Uchida (VJ / TParty)
The project has begun 2020 as an online Audiovisual Electroacoustic Live Session which the players from Pulse Convention and VJs from TParty remotely played together under the Covid-19 pandemic situation. This is the stuffed work of the project for an exhibition.